“Business Analysis Myths Debunked”

Like every other things there are some myths around business analysis role and business analysts. Is it important to know them? Does this myths impact?

Yes, it is better to know them because myths can be misguiding many a times. This is important especially for aspiring business analysts as many may refrain themselves from pursuing a career in business analysis because of some myths. This article is to help the aspiring business analysts be aware of the myths and pursue with the Business Analysis career if they really want to.

Below are the common myths about the work and profile of a Business Analyst

#01. Business Analysts do only number crunching

Business analysis involves a lot of data analysis but that’s not all. It also involves business decision related activities making the business analysts a key member in the team.

#02. Business Analysts are only focussed on requirements

Yes, business analysts do significant work with regard to requirement gathering and analysis. So this is partly true but partly not as the Business Analysts gets involved across the lifecycle of the project. Also the term requirement in projects is often perceived as the solution requirement where in, it actually covers many types of requirement such as Business, Stakeholder and Solution etc.

#03. Business Analysts Need to Have IT Background as they are only meant for IT projects

This is not true and this myth is primarily because of the perception that Business Analysts are only meant for IT projects. An IT back ground can definitely help as lot of advanced software and tools used by Business Analysts but it is not a mandatory thing.

#04. Project Management is the logical career path from a Business Analyst

Both the Business Analysts and Project Management role are critical to any project and there are some over laps as well but the roles are different. While a project manager’s primary role is to keep an eye on project scope, timeline and budget the Business Analyst’s role is to keep an eye on doing the right thing. So both are complementing roles and not necessarily the project management is a higher role.

#05. An introductory boot camp course is enough become a proficient Business Analyst

Many think this way but this is not the right. You need to build some skills which can be developed by learning from some industry practitioners and hands on learning. This is where i2c Training helps the aspiring business analysts.

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